Smoke increases fatigue in flying butterflies
Landscape fires burn across millions of square kilometres of Earth’s landscapes each year. Though each of these fires maybe individually small, the very large numbers of fires burning simultaneously can seriously degrade local and regional air quality by releasing a complex mixture of gases and aerosols. These smoke emissions may not only have significant effects […]
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Investigating fundamental wildfire drivers
by Alex Kuhn-Regnier Alex Kuhn-Regnier is a PhD student at Imperial College London based in the Department of Physics. He investigates wildfire models and how to improve the representation of the ecological impacts of future wildfire changes. My PhD began by asking the question “What are the fundamental drivers of wildfires?” Far from being […]
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Wildfires in the Lab – creative experiments through art and science (14 & 15 July)
A Creative Learning Lab with artist and researchers exploring Wildfires The Exchange, King’s College London is delighted to invite you to a Learning Lab on 14 and 15 July 2021, involving artists and scientists to present their experiments from a 3 months’ research residency project developed in collaboration between Leverhulme Centre for Wildfires, Environment and […]
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Two summer placements in wildfire research available for undergraduate students
We welcome applications for two 8-week summer placement projects with Imperial’s Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme, on the topic of wildfires. These UROPs are offered on a remote basis. If on-campus attendance is possible this will be considered dependent on the College rules in force at the time, but it will not be essential. *Applications are […]
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KCL researchers in new 10-million-euro project to tackle forest fires in Europe
Image: A forest fire burning in Enskogen, as seen by Sentinel-2 on 16th July (Contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data [2018], processed by the Copernicus Support Office) King’s College London will be one of 39 partners from across the world involved in the new research project FirEUrisk, starting this month, which will develop a science-based strategy […]
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Spontaneous ignition of smouldering peat fires (and how to simulate them in the field)
Figure 1: Smouldering wildfire of a carbon-rich soil system in Las Tablas de Daimiel (Photo by Dr G Rein, 2009). Researchers at Imperial College Hazelab, including members of Leverhulme Wildfires, have recently published a new paper developing a multi-step reaction model to study the potential of peatland fires starting from self-heating ignition, in the International […]
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Fire in the NeoTropics – Data Collection Webinar (19th May)
This webinar is open to all potential data contributors working on pollen & sediment charcoal series from the Neotropics. The objectives of this webinar are to discuss: 1. collaborative work aimed at increasing the spatio-temporal resolution of existing vegetation/fire reconstructions; 2. The potential for data integration of Indigenous Knowledge Data in the Neotropical context. Developing […]
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Leverhulme Wildfires Research Workshop – Fire Ecology (25th May)
Workshop number 7 will be on Fire Ecology chaired by Prof. Colin Prentice, Imperial College London (agenda will be provided closer to the time). Please get in touch at wildfire@imperial.ac.uk if you are not a Centre member or affiliate but interested in joining. Agenda here: Leverhulme Wildfires – fire ecology and modelling
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How to Kill a Zombie Fire (24 Mar 2021)
“Underground peat fires refuse to die, even when flooded with water. So scientists developed a new weapon to put them down for good.” This article in Wired reports on new research from Imperial’s Hazelab.
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Leverhulme Wildfires Research Workshop – Global Modelling (30th March)
Leverhulme Wildfires Research Workshop number 6 will be focused on Global Modelling, chaired by Dr Apostolos Voulgarakis, TUC/Imperial College London. Please see the agenda below, and get in touch at wildfire@imperial.ac.uk if you are not a Centre member or affiliate but interested in joining.
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