FIRE IN PRACTICE: Godwin Dzekoto – Revisiting fire management in Ghana: Integrating historical practices, institutional dynamics and collaborative approaches (27 Nov 2024)
Register on Eventbrite When: Wednesday 27th November 2024, 14:30-15:30 GMT Where: Online (Zoom) / Melbourne House boardroom (for Centre members) Title: Revisiting fire management in Ghana: Integrating historical practices, institutional dynamics and collaborative approaches Speaker: Godwin Dzekoto, A Rocha Ghana Abstract Fire management in Ghana has historically been shaped by a complex interplay of traditional practices, […]
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Guest Seminar: Mexico’s challenging path towards integrated and intercultural fire management (26 Nov 2024)
Please register on Eventbrite Tuesday 26th November 2024, 4-5pm GMT Title: Mexico’s challenging path towards integrated and intercultural fire management Abstract Over the last decades, researchers and practitioners have proposed integrated approaches to fire management, which consider fire ecology, and a focus on prevention and risk reduction. In some instances, this has also included a non-prohibitive […]
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What does the next generation of fire-vegetation models look like?
On the 16th of September the Leverhulme Centre for Wildfires, Environment and Society hosted a number of international visitors at Dartington Hall in Devon, for a brainstorming session on global fire modelling. The brainstorming session brought together a number of scientists with expertise ranging from machine learning and remote sensing to plant response to drought. […]
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PhD in wildfire insurance, risk governance and market dynamics (closing date 11 Nov 2024)
PhD opportunity at King’s College London Exploring the interplay between wildfire insurance, risk governance and market dynamics across varying state traditions About the Project Wildfires represent a growing global challenge, exacerbated by climate change and increasing human encroachment into fire-prone areas. As the frequency and severity of wildfires escalate, the need for effective financial resilience […]
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Stakeholders’ Perspectives on Wildfire Management in Monreale, Sicily
Wildfires in the Mediterranean region have emerged as a pressing issue, exacerbated by climate change and evolving land use practices. Traditionally, fire management strategies have leaned heavily on suppression methods. However, this reactive approach is increasingly seen as unsustainable, often leading to catastrophic wildfires that threaten both lives and the environment. To address these challenges […]
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The global drivers of wildfire: connecting empirical evidence to modelling practices
The Leverhulme Wildfires Fire-Veg Giraffe Team has published a new paper “The Global Drivers of Wildfire” in Frontiers in Environmental Science. This paper compares how the processes embedded in the current global empirical fire models relate to findings of recent empirical analysis on the controls of burnt area globally and what the implications are for […]
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Giraffe Team Bulletin – latest from the new Leverhulme Wildfires research teams. No.1
Welcome to the first Giraffe Team Bulletin! For those new to our “Giraffe Teams”, you can find out more about each one of them, including their overall aims and objectives, here. Our giraffe teams are bit like ‘tiger teams’ (a term used in business) with specialists working together to tackle specific problems, but we are […]
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Fire Ecology Chats – Episode 31 with Abi Croker – Changing fire regimes in East and Southern Africa’s savanna
Fire Ecology Chats – podcast Episode 31 with Abi Croker Episode 31: Changing fire regimes in East and Southern Africa’s savanna-protected areas: opportunities and challenges for indigenous-led savanna burning emissions abatement schemes — Association for Fire Ecology Title: Changing fire regimes in East and Southern Africa’s savanna-protected areas: opportunities and challenges for indigenous-led savanna burning emissions […]
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“The Encouragement I didn’t know I needed” – Reflections from Visiting Researcher, Candice Charlton
Seven months after I first encountered Professor Prentice’s Earth Systems poster at the World Climate Research Programme Open Conference in Rwanda, I was at the Leverhulme Centre for Wildfires, Environment, and Society at Imperial College London in May 2024. On my first day, I met Dr Adriana Ford, who was instrumental in hosting and organizing […]
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PhD Studentship in Environmental Science (closing date 31 Jul 2024)
PhD Studentship in Environmental Science Project title: Interactions between vegetation and wildfires Department/School: Geography & Environmental Science/ School of Archaeology, Geography and Environmental Science, Reading Supervisors: Professor Sandy P. Harrison, Dr. Olivia Haas Funding for: UK students, EU Students, International Students Funding Amount: Tuition fees plus stipend (£19,237 for the 2024/25 academic year) for 3.5 years […]
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