Key past publications from our Team
Interannual variability of tropospheric trace gases and aerosols: The role of biomass burning emissions.
JGR Atmospheres, 120(14): 7157-7173.
LSA SAF Meteosat FRP products – Part 1: Algorithms, product contents, and analysis.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 15: 1-23.
Causal relationships versus emergent patterns in the global controls of fire frequency.
Biogeosciences, 11: 5087-5101.
Improved simulation of fire–vegetation interactions in the Land surface Processes and eXchanges dynamic global vegetation model (LPX-Mv1).
Geoscientific Model Development, 7: 2411-2433.
Global biomass burning: a synthesis and review of Holocene paleofire records and their controls.
Quaternary Science Reviews, 65: 5-25.
Predictability of biomass burning in response to climate changes.
Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 26: GB4007.
Por que é importante entender as inter-relações entre pessoas, fogo e áreas protegidas?
Biodiversidade Brasileira, 1(2): 40-49.
From externality to inputs and interference: framing environmental research in geography.
Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 34: 3-11.
Retrieval of biomass combustion rates and totals from fire radiative power observations: Application to southern Africa using geostationary SEVIRI imagery.
Journal of Geophysical Research, 110: D21111.