Leverhulme Wildfires Summer Conference 2023 – save the date, 25th July

Leverhulme Wildfires Summer Conference 2023  – save the date, 25th July
On 25th July 2023, we will be holding a Leverhulme Wildfires Summer Conference at Imperial College London. 

Free to Attend and Open to All!

Join us for talks and discussions with researchers and practitioners working on wildfires, by both members of our Centre and external international experts.

Followed by a networking event, poster and photo competition in the evening, and a conference BBQ.

Conference Themes

1. Large-scale observations and models of fire

What observations do we have, and expect to have; and how can they be used for better predicting and understanding fire, its role and impacts?

2. Fire as an Earth system process

How does fire interact with ecosystems, atmospheric chemistry and climate?

3. Fire in relation to land management, conservation, livelihoods and health

What changes in policy and practice would help reconcile different people’s needs and goals, including air quality improvements?

4. Bridging scales and perspectives

How can we integrate the knowledge of fire possessed by different stakeholders (e.g. researchers, practitioners and affected communities), across different spatial and temporal scales?

Registration link, competition details and more information coming soon!

Call for Poster Submissions

Photo Competition


Are you a PhD student planning to travel to London for this event? Why not sign up for Fired Up 2023, also hosted at Imperial College London, on 27th & 28th July (with social activities on 26th and 29th).

