Leverhulme Wildfires Research Workshop – Exploring our time in Leverhulme Wildfires so far through participatory video (12 Apr 2024)

Leverhulme Wildfires Research Workshop – Exploring our time in Leverhulme Wildfires so far through participatory video (12 Apr 2024)

This workshop is for Centre members and affiliates

Workshop title: ‘Exploring our time in Leverhulme Wildfires so far through participatory video’

Timings and location: 12th April, 11am – 7pm, Imperial College London (rooms tbc)

Description: The workshop will introduce participatory video as a methodology, with teams working to plan, shoot, and edit our own videos responding to the question ‘What important things have come out of our time in the Leverhulme Centre so far?’. Possible video themes might include (but are not limited to!) research methodologies, research ethics or research findings. The videos will be made available online and will hopefully be of particular interest to new members joining the Centre in its second half. The workshop will include lunch and drinks and food to accompany screening of the films. More information will follow soon, but for now, if you are interested in joining for the workshop, please sign up using this form as soon as possible, to help us plan for catering and room bookings.

