Call for Abstracts
We are pleased to invite you to submit a poster abstract for consideration for the Leverhulme Wildfires Summer Conference 2023.
Posters will be organised by conference themes, and there will be opportunities for presenters to discuss their work with interested participants in the designated networking and poster session in the evening, as well as during the refreshment breaks.
Early Career Researchers (see UKRI definition here) submitting a poster can enter into the poster competition (see below).
Deadline 25th June
You will be informed if you have been successful by Friday 30th June
Successful applicants will need to register and attend the conference in London. The conference is free to attend.
Conference Themes
Your research abstract should fit within one of the following broad conference themes:
1. Large-scale observations and models of fire
What observations do we have, and expect to have; and how can they be used for better predicting and understanding fire, its role and impacts?
2. Fire as an Earth system process
How does fire interact with ecosystems, atmospheric chemistry and climate?
3. Fire in relation to land management, conservation, livelihoods and health
What changes in policy and practice would help reconcile different people’s needs and goals, including air quality improvements?
4. Bridging scales and perspectives
How can we integrate the knowledge of fire possessed by different stakeholders (e.g. researchers, practitioners and affected communities), across different spatial and temporal scales?
Poster requirements
Accepted posters should be printed by the author in PORTRAIT orientation, size A0.
ECR Poster Competition
Early Career Researchers submitting a poster can enter into the poster competition.
Four prizes worth £150 each will be awarded by a panel of judges, one per conference theme. Winners will be announced in the closing session of the conference.
Eligibility criteria
You must be an Early Career Researcher (see UKRI definition here) to enter into the poster competition. You must be available throughout the conference duration at Imperial College London to provide a short (2 min) presentation to the poster judges alongside your poster.
Selection criteria
Posters will be judged against the following criteria:
- Communication of research objective and significance
- Explanation of Project Design and Methodology
- Explanation of Results and Conclusions
- Visual Appeal
To enter the competition, submit your abstract via the main link above, and select YES to ‘Enter ECR Poster Competition?’.
Any question please contact
While you’re here, register your interest for UK Wildfire Conference 2024 in Aberdeen