In our April Fire in Practice seminar, Tercia Strydom talked about fire management in a large conservation area in South Africa
Watch the recording here:
Fire management in a large conservation area in South Africa
About the Speaker
Tercia Strydom has been working for South African National Parks (SANParks) for more than a decade. She is currently employed as an Abiotic Scientist and based within Kruger National Park. Her research interests focuses on abiotic drivers such as fire, soils and hydrology and how they interact and affect the broader ecosystem.
Fires are a key abiotic factor affecting savanna ecosystem dynamics in Kruger National Park (KNP). The park has a long, rich history of fire management and research which has influenced the way in which fires are currently managed in this large conservation area. Our fire management strategy has evolved numerous times over the last century as our understanding of the role of fire in this landscape has developed. This talk will provide an overview of fires as a critical savanna process and how the park uses fire as a management tool to maintain fire as an ecosystem driver and to promote biodiversity.
Fire in Practice seminars
The Fire in Practice – Conversations with Wildfire Practitioners seminar series, organised by the Leverhulme Centre for Wildfires, Environment and Society, aims to explore the developments and challenges in the ‘real world’ of landscape fire, reflecting on the role and opportunities of research in addressing the issues. The seminars will be held every two months (usually the last Tuesday of the month), and are free and open to all interested audiences. Each seminar involves 30-40min of a guest speaker presentation, followed by opportunity for Q&A and discussion.
Once you have registered, you will receive a joining link closer to the event.
The Leverhulme Centre for Wildfires, Environment and Society is a collaboration between Imperial College London, King’s College London, Royal Holloway, and the University of Reading.
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