PhD Studentship: Incentives, Politics, Policies and Wildfire
Project Description Wildfire and human activity interact in complex ways. Identifying the mechanisms through which human behaviour influences wildfire outcomes is crucial for developing effective mitigation and adaptation policies, especially given the uncertainty introduced by the changing climate. This project will add to the understanding of the human drivers of wildfire. The candidate will develop […]
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PhD Studentship: Long-term interactions between vegetation, fire and human impact in Guyana
Applications are invited for a four year fully funded PhD in Tropical Palaeoecology within the Leverhulme Centre for Wildfires, Environment and Society. The Project The studentship will be based in the Department of Geography, RHUL and supervised by Dr. Daniele Colombaroli, Centre for Quaternary Research (CQR), Prof. Jay Mistry, Associate Director of the Leverhulme Centre […]
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PhD Studentship in Environmental Science: The impact of anthropogenic land-use changes on fire regimes during the Holocene
Applications are invited for a fully funded PhD on the impact of anthropogenic land-use changes on fire regimes during the Holocene, based at the University of Reading Department/School: Geography & Environmental Science/ School of Archaeology, Geography and Environmental Science, Reading Supervisor: Professor Sandy P. Harrison Project Overview: Land-use change has been one of the major […]
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London NERC DTP NPIF PhD Studentship: Hyperspectral and Thermal Remote Sensing of Landscape Fire Properties
Applications are invited for a fully funded PhD in the Remote Sensing of Landscape Fire, to be based in the Department of Geography, King’s College London. Funded by the National Productivity Investment Fund (NPIF) and delivered through the London NERC London DTP, the PhD relates to the NPIF themes of transformative digital technologies, satellites/space technologies, […]
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PhD Studentship: Machine Learning and Data Assimilation for accurate wildfire predictions
Project Description This project aims to incorporate machine learning algorithms in data assimilation processes to improve efficiency and accuracy of wildfire estimations and predictions. The resulting models will assimilate data of wildfire variables (fire incidence, burnt area, fire duration, emissions etc) and wildfire drivers (a wide range, e.g. vegetation-related variables, climate related variables, human/society related […]
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Postdoctoral Research Associate in Data Assimilation and Machine Learning
Applications are invited for a Research Associate to join the Leverhulme Centre for Wildfires, Environment and Society, to work within the Data Science Institute with Dr Rossella Arcucci, at the South Kensington Campus of Imperial College London. The focus of this project is the development of a range of the next generation data assimilation and […]
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PhD Studentship: CO2 impacts on past and future fire regimes and their consequences for biodiversity
Project Description Much of the discussion of the drivers of recent changes in fire regimes has focused on the impact of climate change and anthropogenic activities. However, the direct impacts of changing atmospheric CO2 on plant growth and water-use efficiency could also affect biomass production and hence fuel loads, and therefore influence future fire regimes. […]
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Post-Doctoral Research Associate in Indigenous and Local Knowledges
Applications are invited for the post of Post-Doctoral Research Associate in Indigenous and local knowledge’s within the Leverhulme Centre for Wildfires, Environment and Society based at Royal Holloway, University of London. This post will involve the conceptualisation and development of a framework and methodology that explicitly considers Indigenous and local communities’ fire knowledges within larger […]
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PhD Studentship: Contested fire management: Understanding trade-offs between traditional and government approaches to fire management
Project Description Fire is a critical component of many agricultural and livestock-based land use systems in the Global South where its management benefits from generations of local experience in how, when and where to set fires for maximum local benefit. In many countries, governments and conservation organisations have implemented a range of fire-related policies (from […]
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PhD Studentship: Physical and socio-economic drivers of changing fire dynamics in Ethiopia’s drylands and impacts on ecosystem services
Project Description Fire is a critical component of the ecology of African savannas and it is used by humans as a tool for rangeland management. Across much of northern Africa there has been a decreasing trend in burned area, but the drivers and impacts of these changes are not yet fully understood. These changing fire […]
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