Leverhulme Wildfires Research Workshop: Earth Observation (17 Dec 2020)
Our fourth Leverhulme Wildfires Research Workshop will be on Earth Observation, chaired by Prof Martin Wooster. Please get in touch at wildfire@imperial.ac.uk if you are not a Centre member or affiliate but interested in joining. 9.30-11.50 Thursday 17th December
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Leverhulme Wildfires Research Workshop: Risk & Resilience (17 Sept 2020)
Our third Leverhulme Wildfires Research Workshop will be on “Risk and Resilience”, chaired by Prof David Demeritt. Please see agenda below, and get in touch at wildfire@imperial.ac.uk if you are not a Centre member or affiliate but interested in joining.
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Leverhulme Wildfires Research Workshop: Approaches to Data Analysis (19 May 2020)
Our second Leverhulme Wildfires Research Workshop is on Approaches to Data Analysis, chaired by Prof. Colin Prentice. Download the flier here
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Leverhulme Wildfires Research Workshop: Fire in the Tropics (23 Jan 2020)
The first of our (approx.) bi-monthly research workshops will be held at Royal Holloway, chaired by Prof. Jay Mistry, focusing on one of our four main research strands, ‘Fire in the Tropics’.
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Wildfire research centre to launch with £10m from the Leverhulme Trust
New funding will help improve prediction and management of wildfires globally through the Leverhulme Centre for Wildfires, Environment and Society.
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