Yicheng Shen


“It is amazing to find out how things are related to each other and use the relationships to predict fire in the future or to look back to historical times”

Which area of fire science do you specialise in?

I am studying on the relationships between fire and fire-related plant traits, with the goal of developing a theoretical basis for predicting fire regimes and developing a simple fire model incorporating plant controls on traits in fire-adapted vegetation.

What do you like about working in fire science?

Climate changes are a serious problem we are facing, and extreme weather has resulted in more fire events. It is amazing to find out how things are related to each other and use the relationships to predict fire in the future or look back to historical times (e.g. Holocene).

What challenges have you faced in getting to where you are now?

Currently, I am facing the challenges about data collection. Although plant traits data bases are increasing during recent years, but we have limited number of fire-related resprouting information in South America, and we are put effort to contacting with colleagues there.

What do you like to do outside of work?

Traveling and music are two things that are necessary in my life.

Do you have any advice to give women wanting to pursue a career in science?

I would say women are strong and intelligent. If you are passionate about science, just give it a try.


Yicheng Shen is a PhD student at the University of Reading

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